Let's talk about us

Brands are a lot like people: there's no one-size-fits-all solution to keeping them healthy, wealthy, and wise. Just like people they have unique ideas, challenges, and things to offer.

I recognize that, and while I have standard practices and past experience to pull from, I'm happy to accommodate special circumstances and meet you where you're at.

Just like any strong partnership I'm going to get to know you. I'll help you market your brand profitably - my job is to help you set upward trends, and I'm good at my job.


Ad Platform Management

I have a lot of experience with paid search & social marketing. I'll manage all the platforms you know and love: Google Ads, Facebook (Meta 🙄), Tiktok, Bing, Pinterest, etc.
I'm also comfortable working on DSP platforms if the need arises.

This Includes:

  • Building out new ad campaigns
  • Running ads
  • Daily check-ins on ad performance
  • Making adjustments to increase performance (keyword optimization, budget adjustments, etc.)
  • Performance reports
  • When I have ideas about new things we could try, I'll make proposals on them

This Doesn't Include:

  • Organic social posting/management
  • Influencer/affiliate management
  • Ad creative generation
  • ~(unless you need ad creative of ghosts standing around gears. Those I'll generate for you)
  • Email Management

Marketing Direction & Planning

On top of just running your ad platforms, I can also step in as a director of marketing or fractional CMO type of role if my client load allows

This Includes:

  • Budget planning and pacing including how much we should be spending on marketing
  • Understanding our cost to acquire customers, and how that affects growth goals
  • Planning product launches, marketing campaign strategies, and discount offers
  • Guiding your team in supporting marketing efforts
  • Conversion rate optimization; securing a conversion doesn't stop at an ad click, the website needs to encourage user participation
    - Note that I'm not a dev and this would mean I'm working with your dev
  • Building user trust and brand image

Actionable Data Analytics

The backbone of most any great company. So often I see brands collecting numbers and sitting on data they don't know how to use. All of those numbers tell a story, and I'm here to help you interpret it.

This includes:

  • Building out comprehensive, dynamic reports that tie together all the corners of your business
  • Visualization and understanding of user trends and what they mean
  • Site usage analysis and an overview on how users flow through your site, and where your site fails them
  • Organic traffic patterns, seasonal trends, and where we should be putting attention to maximize traffic gains
  • Training your team on how to interpret data and how it relates to their role & responsibilities
  • Building out dashboards your team members can use to save time and do their job more effectively


Here's the caveat around prices: I base these on the time I expect to spend each week to do a job I'd be proud of. As I mentioned above, different brands have different needs and some are more complex than others — so consider these a starting point for a conversation.

If you feel like your needs are less than usual, or I feel like they're more than usual after we've met and talked about your needs, we might decide prices should be more or less; so let's talk about it!

Ad Management
  • $4000/month - paid search (Any search engine ad platform i.e., Google Ads, Bing Ads, all included)
  • $4000/month - paid social (Any social media ad platform i.e., Facebook Ads, Tiktok Ads, all included)
  • $7200/month for both paid search and paid social
Ad Management + 
Marketing Direction or Data Analytics


Ad Management +
Marketing Direction+
Data Analytics


can't wait to hear from you!

Illustration of a location pinpoint

right now I'm in Mexico

Drop a line if you're in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico - let's get tea!

Illustration of an envelope

email me


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